Why Start Getting Ready for Christmas Now? September 2021
We bet that over the past few weeks, someone has already mentioned the C word to you – and we’re not talking covid! Christmas is now just 4 months away and while that may seem a life time, the Cards Galore Online team have already set our elves to work at our Bury HQ to ensure our customer are all set for the most wonderful time of the year.
The arrival of festive products in shops before Halloween, Bonfire Night or even the end of summer, is often met with an eye roll, prompting claims that we are being encouraged to think about Christmas earlier and earlier with each passing year.
While it’s understandable that we want to enjoy the summer months without having to consider our to-do lists for December just yet, it can genuinely feel that once Autumn arrives, we only have to blink and Christmas is right around the corner.
Although a magical time of year, Christmas can actually be super stressful for many of us – and so there’s a lot to be said for being organised well in advance of the festive season. With a vast array of experience in Christmas planning, here are the Cards Galore Online teams top tips to make Christmas 2021 a breeze!
Time to Plan
For one thing, starting our preparations now gives us more time to plan what we actually need. When we don’t have a clear idea of what that is, especially if we’ve waited until the last minute to do our shopping, we’re more likely to panic buy which increases the likelihood of making unnecessary purchases.
When it comes to cards, taking the time to draw up a Christmas Card List will mean we have a fairly accurate guide as to the number we’re going to need. This way, we’re less likely to run out or conversely, end up with far too many. It will also nudge us to think about buying sufficient stamps and of course, the option of second class postage is available if we organise ourselves in time.
Minimise stress
Another down side to last minute shopping is that it’s usually stressful! Jostling through the crowds in search of what we want only to find it has sold out or to have to spend forever in a queue doesn’t exactly shout festive fun. At least sourcing the perfect cards for family, friends and other acquaintances is a much more enjoyable experience when we have the option to visit Cards Galore Online from the comfort of our own homes! And it makes sense to check out the range of stocking fillers too. The message to start early still applies to online shopping though as popular designs do sell quickly.
Economic sense
It makes economic sense too especially for those on a tight budget. While bulk buying might not suit everyone’s pocket, purchasing a batch of cards every few weeks in the run-up to Christmas might be a preferable alternative. Getting ready sooner rather than later will mean that making smaller purchases at regular intervals is possible because time is on our side! And it can make it easier to keep track of our finances. What’s more, at such fair prices the customer’s money goes so much further!
Avoid frustration
It makes sense to get the shopping underway now if we consider that any products we’re currently searching for which are sold out still have a chance of coming back in stock before the Christmas rush. That scenario happening on Christmas Eve however, will mean we’d better have a good plan-B up our sleeve if disappointment is to be avoided!
Getting ahead now also prevents the frustration of missing the last days for posting to guarantee delivery of our thoughtfully chosen cards and presents in time for Christmas Day.
For most of us Christmas is an occasion to celebrate wholeheartedly-it may even be the highest point on the calendar. Although it comes around but once a year, making sure we have everything we need for our loved-ones both near and far takes time to plan. Leaving it until later may well mean never catching up.
Getting ready now will give us every chance to be well organised in advance of the festive season-as they say; opportunity doesn’t waste time with the unprepared!
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